Thursday, June 3, 2010

Louisville...and F*& hard drive crashed!

I swear...we never slow down! We go, go, go...and when we have a weekend to relax, I usually have it overplanned by Friday just because I hate to "not have plans" It drives James C-R-A-Z-Y and I've been told I cannot make ANY more plans for the summer! I already have the majority of weekends booked up until Chasey starts kindergarten at the end of August...Holy cow...MY BABY STARTS KINDERGARTEN! Yes, I know it's happening...but typing just can't believe it!

Another weekend of Madness around here...We took off to Louisville, Kentucky for the weekend...Yes...flew all the way there and back...JUST for the weekend! And it was OH SO WORTH IT!!!

I have one aunt and uncle that live in Louisville...the rest drove over from Southern Illinois where my entire family lives...My mom, step-dad, dad, step-mom, brother, sister, sister-in-law and my niece were all there. Fun, fun weekend!

Lots of fun was had in the backyard....

Introduced the kids to horse racing at Churchill Downs!

James drank Mint Juleps...just because "he had to" since we were in Kentucky!

Back home, back at work....and my Mac took a dump this morning!! I've had it for four years and never had one single problem...I was on Facebook this morning before work and it froze...and it's done! sad...A guy here at work is going to put a new hard drive in it for me this weekend. I backed up my photos a couple of months I think I lost the last couple of months...but it's better than losing a couple of years like I hear horror stories about! And...I send my family kodakgallery albums almost weekly so I have tons of pictures in there!

Off to the River tomorrow...again...go, go,'s how I like it! :)


  1. Oh no it was so terrible that your hard drive crashed.And on the other hand it sounds good that you had backed up your files.Well my hard drive too crashed one time but i had no backups anywhere so i had to lose every thing.Wow it was a bummer and since then i was taught a lesson of backing up files and i opted for online backup solution which offers a free unlimited 3GB trial and it is are cheaper than any other online backup solution i have ever come across

  2. What has a mused me so much is that you had backed up ur photos in another location a couple of months ago. Congs! for not losing everything.

    Like Dorothy, I too backup my critical stuff online at I tell you if dare try it, you'll be glad you did. Even if the HD crashes, no worries cuz I can easily recover everything.

  3. Thanks for the tips girls!! I'm going to look into an online back up site! Definately worth a few bucks to save your precious data!! I was laying in bed last night thinking of all the stuff I DID lose...I think I lost all of my itunes!! Not a huge deal...I just will have to upload it ALL again!! You know...upload all of my 80's and 90's cd's before we just bought it online! :)

  4. Use an external hard drive!
    you're scaring me into fixing my ever growing problem of not enough memory to hold all the huge photo files!

  5. Oh, sorry to hear about your hard drive. Well, you better make it a point to always back up your photos. Going for an external hard drive would also be nice. :)

    -Ruby Badcoe
