Remember this little guy? He's now huge... and gave us this.... the most amazing "step-dad" my kids could have ever asked for...Happy Father's Day to you! (we did celebrate on time...this post is just late!)
Hi! Welcome to my little corner of the world wide web! My name is Melissa and I am a Southern California mom of 2 crazy kids! Chasey is 6 and Cash is 4. I am a fast talking, fun loving, easy going mom! I'm the girl that is always up for anything. Call me and I'll be there (especially if there is wine involved). I take WAY too many pictures, I can't sit still, I will always be an entrepreneur at heart, I'm a Facebook addict, I daydream way too much and I found an amazing love when I least expected it! Life is crazy...but we sure have fun!
that's awesome! i want to have a veggie garden! maybe now i can! haha :)