I was inspired by another blogger to write about where I was 10 years ago…and where I am now...
10 years ago…December 31st, 1999 (I was 25 years old). Since everyone was blowing the whole “Y2K” thing out of proportion…we joined our friends out in the desert at the Peralta Ranch. This place was so much fun. It was an old hunting lodge turned into family ranch house. Complete with a separate house with lots and lots of beds in every room (formerly for the visiting hunters), a family house with food ALWAYS on the table (thanks to my friends mom, grandmas, sisters, etc!) and a bar/pool room where we hung out every night! The days were spent riding motorcycles, making funny videos and just goofing off. We spent a few New Years there and they were some of my fondest New Years Memories! Great friends and lots of fun! This was back in my “simple” days….
Wow…10 years later…
December 31st, 2009 (now 35 years old)….In the last decade I have had my highest highs and my lowest lows.
I got married…
bought a house….
pregnant…then miscarried…
pregnant again…
gave birth 9 weeks early....Took home a healthy 5lb baby girl 6 weeks later....
Started my own business….made many mistakes in business, but learned from every single one....
Pregnant again….gave birth to a healthy boy…
I spent a week in the ICU with HELLP syndrome after giving birth...(Thank the Lord for Modern Medicine so that I could be here today!!)...
Separated…then divorced….
with a newborn….
Found an amazing man and appreciate him more than he will ever know!
I would do it all again to get to where I am in life. I would in no way, shape or form appreciate what I have now had I not gone through this exact life….including every single bump in the road!
Just look at these faces....THEY make me realize that I have NO regrets and that I will cherish every moment I have with them in this life!

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