To Bob & Michelle Duggar: Please stop having babies!!!
The Duggars have just released pictures of baby #19! Read the story here I'm sure they are a very loving, happy family....but having a 31 weeker myself and knowing how hard it is on the poor helpless babies....please quit while you are ahead. I don't know the circumstances as to why she had the baby at 25 weeks and I know there are a million opinions as to why or why not it is ok to have that many children...but my humble opinion...stop having children! (Let your kids do that now and be Amazing Grandparents!)
Just my two cents...had to get it off my chest...
Picture of Chasey at 7 weeks old....5 lbs and smaller than her Cabbage Patch doll! With an apnea monitor cord attached! Which stayed attached for the first 11 months of her life!
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